• Yvette Saulnier TaylorNeighbor

  • Natick, MA

Yvette Saulnier Taylor (Queen of the Pantry, Inc.) is a Natick native and certified Personal Chef providing nutritious meals with an emphasis on healthy cooking and special diets. Queen of the Pantry also caters for small boutique events and dessert tables.  Customized creations range from scratch-baked goods, cakes, and party favors to unique condiments both savory and sweet.

Yvette is a graduate of the Cambridge School of Culinary Arts whose culinary experience ranges from Pastry Chef for Whole Foods Markets to culinary excursions around the globe including Europe, Peru and most fondly New Zealand, working with local artisans and chefs in the Hawkes Bay wine country and as marketing and events manager for a large international winery.  Currently, she also contracts as a recipe and product developer for a line of natural food products distributed nationally.

In addition to working as a Personal Chef, Yvette regularly leads instructional hands-on cooking classes and team building events in the Boston and Metro West area. You can also find her volunteering her cooking and teaching services for a variety of local organizations.

Through her cooking instructions, Yvette shares her entrepreneurial spirit and appreciation for cooking with the finest ingredients.

Personal Chef, Natick and Metro West area

Contact me at yvette@queenofthepantry.com

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